ECHA Publishes New Update of the REACH Candidate List
The Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs), managed by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), has been updated. This list identifies substances that pose significant risks to human health or the environment, serving as a critical tool for the REACH Regulation (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals). As a result, these updates are essential for driving safer chemical management across industries and ensuring regulatory compliance.
5 New Substances and 1 Update
In this update, the Candidate List includes 5 new substances and 1 updated substance, bringing the total number of SVHCs to 235. The additions are:
- 6-[(C10-C13)-alkyl-(branched, unsaturated)-2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yl]hexanoic acid (CAS: 2156592-54-8)
- O,O,O-triphenyl phosphorothioate (CAS: 597-82-0)
- Octamethyltrisiloxane (CAS: 107-51-7)
- Perfluamine (CAS: 338-83-0)
- Reaction mass of: triphenylthiophosphate and tertiary butylated phenyl derivatives (CAS: 192268-65-8)
Additionally, the substance Triphenyl phosphate (CAS: 115-86-6) has been updated.
These substances were evaluated for their hazardous properties, including carcinogenicity, persistence, and endocrine disruption, further highlighting the importance of continuous monitoring and compliance.
Background: What Is the Candidate List?
The Candidate List is an evolving compilation of substances evaluated against strict criteria. For example, a substance may be included if it meets any of the following classifications:
- Carcinogenic, mutagenic, or toxic to reproduction (CMR): Potentially harmful to human health.
- Persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT): Long-lasting in the environment, building up in living organisms.
- Very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB): Highly resistant to degradation and accumulating over time.
- Endocrine disruption or equivalent hazards: Other serious concerns impacting health or ecosystems.
Responsibilities for Companies
For businesses, the inclusion of a substance in the Candidate List brings immediate legal obligations:
- Portfolio Evaluation: Assess your products for SVHCs to ensure compliance.
- Safety Data Sheets (SDS): Update SDS to reflect the latest regulatory requirements.
- Supply Chain Communication: Notify customers if an article contains SVHCs above the threshold of 0.1% weight by weight.
Failure to comply with these obligations can lead to penalties and erode trust within the supply chain. Staying proactive is essential for avoiding these risks.
How Can ExESS Help?
At Lisam, we deliver the most up-to-date regulatory content available in the market. In fact, the latest update to the candidate list, recently published by ECHA, is already accessible for download through our SDS authoring tool, ExESS.
To help you maintain compliance amidst ever-evolving regulations, ExESS includes advanced tools, including:
- Real-Time Notifications: instantly informs you of available updates.
- Data Comparison Tool: enables side-by-side analysis of old and new data, helping you assess changes and their potential impacts before proceeding with a download.
- Automation: automatically updates section 15 substances affected by updates after the download is complete.
With ExESS, you can navigate regulatory changes confidently and efficiently, ensuring your operations stay compliant every step of the way. Contact us today to schedule a free demo and discover how our software can meet your regulatory needs.
Navigating complex regulatory updates, like the ECHA Candidate List, doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With ExESS, staying compliant is seamless. From SVHC identification to SDS updates, ExESS streamlines your processes, saving you time and reducing risks.
Contact us today to schedule a free demo and see how ExESS can support your compliance needs.