22nd ATP to CLP: Key Updates to EU Chemical Classifications

1 September 2024

22nd ATP Update Released in the European Union

On September 30th, the European Union officially published the 22nd ATP to CLP in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This 22nd ATP brings into force a series of RAC (the Committee for Risk Assessment) opinions from 2022, and results in the following entry changes:

  • 27 new entries, including boric acid salts, silver.
  • 16 amended entries, including sulphur, n-Hexane.
  • 7 removed entries, including perboric acid (and various salts and granulated copper).

Whilst these new classifications are now in force, suppliers of these substances, and suppliers of products containing these substance have until May 1, 2026, to complete any reclassification and updates to labels and SDS.

It is worth noting that as per other EU Annex VI classifications these are mandatory minimum classifications, therefore if you have data suggesting a classification for another end point should also apply then this should also be taken into account.

The UK has not yet adopted these classifications. As a result, amended substances will require different classifications in the UK and EU markets until UK authorities make their decision.

Our SDS Authoring tool, ExESS, will make the updated EU Annex VI list available via a CDP download after its release.

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